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CBBCs Comparison

55982 SG#JDCOMRC2411D

Bull / Underlying: 9618 JDCOM

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Code Underlying Underlying Code Issuer Strike Call Level (HKD) Gearing Maturity Date (D-M-Y)
52705 JDCOM 9618 CT 91.2 94 8.5 02-10-2024  
55882 JDCOM 9618 UB 93.2 96 10.1 20-06-2025  
55935 JDCOM 9618 BP 92 95 8.1 27-11-2025  
59605 JDCOM 9618 HS 92.2 95 9.3 30-06-2025  
63280 JDCOM 9618 JP 93.2 96 10.4 09-05-2025  

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Code 55982          
Underlying JDCOM          
Bull/Bear Bull          
Issuer SG          
CBBCs Price 0.064          
Strike 96.2          
Maturity Date
Time to Maturity 126day(s)          
Conversion Ratio 0.01          
Call Level
Spot to Call Value / % 3.23 (%)          
Gearing 16.0          
Premium 0.29%          
Last Update : 26-07-2024 16:20 (15 mins delayed)