22,500 |
Call Level: 22,500 to 22,599 Outstanding: 174.2 Futures: 323.17
22,400 |
Call Level: 22,400 to 22,499 Outstanding: 63.38 Futures: 126.76
22,300 |
Call Level: 22,300 to 22,399 Outstanding: 11.17 Futures: 22.34
22,200 |
Call Level: 22,200 to 22,299 Outstanding: 30.78 Futures: 61.56
22,100 |
Call Level: 22,100 to 22,199 Outstanding: 96.43 Futures: 192.86
22,000 |
Call Level: 22,000 to 22,099 Outstanding: 213.29 Futures: 337.7
21,900 |
Call Level: 21,900 to 21,999 Outstanding: 39.36 Futures: 78.72
21,800 |
Call Level: 21,800 to 21,899 Outstanding: 132.57 Futures: 265.14
21,700 |
Call Level: 21,700 to 21,799 Outstanding: 92.62 Futures: 185.24
21,600 |
Call Level: 21,600 to 21,699 Outstanding: 181.94 Futures: 363.88
21,500 |
Call Level: 21,500 to 21,599 Outstanding: 551.92 Futures: 894.31
21,400 |
Call Level: 21,400 to 21,499 Outstanding: 409.94 Futures: 819.88
21,300 |
Call Level: 21,300 to 21,399 Outstanding: 372.91 Futures: 745.82
21,200 |
Call Level: 21,200 to 21,299 Outstanding: 207.13 Futures: 414.26
Hang Seng Index Close : 21,133 |
Call Level: 20,700 to 20,799 Outstanding: 375.34 Futures: 750.68
20,800 |
Call Level: 20,600 to 20,699 Outstanding: 116.72 Futures: 233.44
20,700 |
Call Level: 20,500 to 20,599 Outstanding: 228.47 Futures: 431.79
20,600 |
Call Level: 20,400 to 20,499 Outstanding: 29.87 Futures: 59.74
20,500 |
Call Level: 20,300 to 20,399 Outstanding: 16.7 Futures: 33.4
20,400 |
Call Level: 20,200 to 20,299 Outstanding: 552.17 Futures: 1104.34
20,300 |
Call Level: 20,100 to 20,199 Outstanding: 143 Futures: 280.8
20,200 |
Call Level: 20,000 to 20,099 Outstanding: 57.87 Futures: 87.14
20,100 |
Call Level: 19,900 to 19,999 Outstanding: 51.38 Futures: 101.5
20,000 |
Call Level: 19,800 to 19,899 Outstanding: 10.9 Futures: 21.8
19,900 |
Call Level: 19,700 to 19,799 Outstanding: 106.85 Futures: 213.7
19,800 |
Call Level: 19,600 to 19,699 Outstanding: 30.83 Futures: 59.6
19,700 |
Call Level: 19,500 to 19,599 Outstanding: 149.28 Futures: 287.91
19,600 |
Call Level: 19,400 to 19,499 Outstanding: 40.78 Futures: 81.56
19,500 |